The Family of Divine Innocence

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13.  Young People




26th August 1986.  Chessington.


Patricia.  Our Lady came during the Rosary and knelt before the Tabernacle:


Our Lady.  It is time the young people were inspired with high ideals of love and self-sacrifice. Their hearts are willing but who of experience leads them? 


The young look for the fire of God's love in their leaders and often see a pale shade of it.


Young people of the world, so many good souls and saints gave their lives and their labour so you could enjoy the Sacraments and benefits of faith in God. Will you stand by and allow the forces of evil to rob you of your faith in God?  Will you not even enquire into your very existence?  Who created you?  Who keeps you in being?


Will you allow the forces of evil that battle for your souls to drag you into drug taking, immorality, selfish money-making occupations - into apathy, boredom and a life of pleasure-seeking - giving no thought to the immortality of your soul?  The future is yours.  Do you want a future of desolation, destruction and living death, or a future of joy and hope, walking with your God in innocence, purity and beauty, walking in the company of your Creator, as happy Children of God? 


Will you follow in the footsteps of those who would hand you a future of suspicion, evil and death, or will you say "No" and build with Heaven's aid a future of peace and holy innocence?  There is no such thing as a compromise with good and evil.  Do not be fooled into accepting the least of various evils. The truth is the truth and if necessary you must die for it - do not compromise.   Evil is evil - if you do not stand against it, you will be consumed by it.  Where is the source of all life and all goodness? The source is God - a God of Love and Compassion. Turn to Him and ask for His help!



29th November 1991.


Our Lady.  The Way of Divine Innocence is a way of great safety and love, a path along which the Holy Child Jesus treads; those who follow Him in Holy Innocence will be marked out by the beauty of their lives.  Remember, your first rule is love, the last rule is love, and all the rules in between are love. Conform your hearts to the Innocent Heart of the Infant Jesus.


I wish to speak to the young people here:


My children, I need your help in a very special way.  Appreciate the wonderful graces obtained for you through the prayers of your parents and families; you reap the harvest of their suffering, prayers and concern for you.  Many souls unknown to you have suffered and prayed, sometimes for a lifetime, so that you may have the beauty of the Holy Catholic faith handed on to you.  It is to you that it is now entrusted to carry it forward in the life of the Church.  You are the future Church; you are the hope of Jesus and you are my hope.  Allow me to bring you up in the Childhood of the Infant Jesus.


This little prayer room delights my Heart!


Patricia.  A great light comes from the Crucifix.


Patricia.  Our Blessed Lady is very happy:


Our Lady.  My children, children of Divine Innocence, spread the messages everywhere.  Are you brave enough to truly live in innocence to a heroic degree, suffering insults, ridicule and persecution?  Pray for those who treat you in this way.  My Divine Son calls you all to carry His Cross into every area of society, to transform the world you live in and if necessary to die for the Holy Catholic Faith.  You need the strength of the Divine Innocence Family.  The training you will receive is unlimited when you step into the Holy Family and begin to follow

the Community Prayers and the Divine Office.


The United Hearts of my Divine Son and your Heavenly Mother open to you treasures so beautiful and so extensive that the children of Divine Innocence will seem to be a chosen people.  Such blessings will be poured out on those who follow the Way of Divine and Childlike Innocence!


I come to you this night to call you to make reparation on the Feast of the Holy Innocents and to step inside the Holy Family on the Feast of the Holy Family.  When you belong to a family there are family obligations.  All the aids to holiness and the means I have recommended to make you great saints are aids of great safety:


In your obedience to the Holy Catholic Church; you are soldiers of Christ under the banner of the Cross.  The strength of an army is in its obedience to orders - be obedient to Christ's Church and to His Vicar on earth, the Holy Father.  The Holy Father's strength is in your obedience.  Come, my children, kneel at my feet and pledge your obedience to the Gospel, the teaching of the Church, the Commandments and the Holy Father!


What else have I given you to assist you to holiness? - the Divine Office, the great prayer of the whole Church.  When you say the Divine Office here in England you are in union with the children of God in every place in the world where it is said; you have on your lips the

praise the children of Abraham had on their lips; you have on your lips the words that were said by my Divine Son and by the Apostles and myself.  Be one family in a union of prayer.


What else have I recommended? - the Benedictine Rule.  The Community prayers have been given to you directly from heaven.  Let even the children learn to say the Little Office and the Chaplets and Rosary.  There is great apostolic work for the children to do.


Patricia.  Our Lady directed a light towards the young people here and gave a Motherly blessing to all present, thanking all who had helped.



11th January 2001(iii).  Nazareth House.


Patricia.  I was thinking about the Song of Love and I said to Our Lord:


Patricia.  Lord, is the Song of Love active or still?


Jesus.   It is retroactive!


Patricia.  What do you mean, Lord?


Jesus.  Look it up!


Patricia.  Dictionary meaning: ‘having validity from an earlier date’. (The Song of Divine Love is born in God and shared with us.)


Patricia.  Lord, the Way of Divine Innocence does not seem to be what the young want.


Jesus.  What do the young want?


Patricia.  Excitement!


Jesus.  I can give them enough excitement to give them a heart attack!  Have you lacked excitement?


Patricia.  I can't complain about that, Lord - more than enough.


Jesus.  What else do the young want?


Patricia.  Travel, perhaps.


Jesus.  Since you have been in My service, where have you travelled to spreading this message?


Patricia.  Israel, India, Japan, Australia, New Zealand, Ireland, Canada, U.S.A, Yugoslavia, Germany, Austria, France, Rome and Italy, Scotland, Wales, Belgium, Portugal.


Jesus.  Where else do you wish to go?


Patricia.  Nowhere (unless it is Your Will, Lord).  I have had more than enough travel!


Jesus.  What else do the young desire?


Patricia.  Money, perhaps - work and security.


Jesus.  Do you complain of your treatment in My employment?


Patricia.  No Lord, Divine Providence has taken care of every need, I don’t deserve it.


Jesus.  It is not a matter of being deserving but of being loved!


Patricia.  Perhaps the young want the bright lights, Lord.


Jesus.  There is no brighter light than the light of the Truth.  The young need to learn to distinguish the light of Truth from the glint of false gold.  There is no brighter light than the Light of the world, I am the Light of the world! The bright lights you speak of are mere baubles in comparison!


Patricia.  Some say they want fun, a good time.


Jesus.   There is a price to pay for each funfair ride but the will is free!


Jesus.   Have you enjoyed fun?


Patricia.   Something better, Lord - joy and great companionship.


Jesus.   Beggars are the choosers!  Many young people want to keep their God on the shelf until they have had their fun and then get round to God later!  It is fortunate for these young people that I Am Patience!


Patricia.   Lord, there are many young people who are good and try.


Jesus.   'There is no one good but God' (Mark 10:18). All I want is that they in their trying receive the victor's crown!  Why are there so few who will allow Me to accompany them in their discovery of life more abundantly?  What high hopes I have at the creation of each individual soul and what low expectations so many have for themselves!  I create an original - you re-create a very poor copy!


Patricia.   Lord, the young and the not so young are afraid that life will pass them by.


Jesus.   It will if they go by side roads rather than the Royal Road to Heaven!


Patricia.   The straight and narrow road seems like a straightjacket to many, Lord.


Jesus.   The straight and narrow road that leads to God is true freedom.  The broad way leads to bondage and a straightjacket of sin that restricts freedom of movement, and a darkness that leads to error and distress!  My Way is the way of love and companionship, truth, goodness and light - the way of perfection that leads through the ‘mountain of mists’ of error and sin to the high mountains of truth and Divine Love.


Patricia.   Oh Lord, why do we want the love of others before the love of you?  I cling to you (Jesus on the Cross). I want to go home, take me home!


Jesus.   It is not the Will of the Father to take you home yet (Heaven).  What do you want?


Patricia.   The Will of the Father.  'Hide me in the shadow of your wings.' (Ps 17:8)


Jesus.   (Patricia. Our Lord from the Cross) My 'wings' are outstretched to save!  'Hide in the shadow' of My wings!



19th January 2001.


Patricia.  A young girl studying the Way of Divine Innocence and living out the Novitiate in her motherly role, said that it seems like an impossible thing to reach. Our Lord immediately responded:


Jesus. It is not a matter of you reaching it, but allowing God's Divine Innocence to reach you and to elevate you!



17th August 2001.  Feast of Our Lady of the Hidden and Mystical Wounds. Necessity of studying our faith.

Our Lady.  I wish to thank all who have come here and all those in other countries who have made the Sign of the Cross over this and other countries and have tried to make known this message of Love and Mercy.  I extend my Motherly Blessing to you all.  What are the concerns of a mother for her children?  She wants to see them grow up in holiness, purity and in the love and knowledge of God.  I am no different, I love you and want you to be happy in this world and in the next.  I want you to enjoy the vision of God at last in Heaven.

Patricia.  Angels are all around Our Lady, she is truly the Queen of Angels.

Our Lady.  I want to be the Mother of holy and innocent children here on earth and in Heaven.  I do not want one of my children to be lost. 

How can you love God if you do not deepen your knowledge of the Truth and the truths and teaching of the Holy Catholic Church.  Children, young people and adults who will not make an effort to deepen their knowledge of the faith easily fall into error.  The great Councils of the Church are guided by the Holy Spirit.  Those who attack their recommendations, decisions and doctrine attack the Holy Spirit.  Before you speak about the Council’s findings and recommendations or developments, be sure you have studied the documents in depth.  With regard to knowledge of the faith many of you are still in the kindergarten of knowledge of your faith. 

My dear children, if you stopped studying the faith once you received your First Holy Communion or Confirmation, you are in serious danger!  To depend only on devotions is not enough!  Rise up and study the truth, be equipped for the battle that you already face!  The faith ebbs away daily, soon there will be an onslaught upon you.  Be able to defend your faith!  Already, there are terrible heresies rampant!  Jesus calls you to Holy and Divine Innocence!  Please listen to my advice, study, study, study and live that new-found knowledge in your lives!  Be apostolic!  I wish to lead you into a new age of innocence, to enjoy fully my Son’s Victory over sin and death!

Patricia.  Our Lady held up the Holy Child and offered Him to us as an example.

Our Lady.  I hold up this Child to you, He did not stay little, ‘He grew in stature and wisdom before man and God’ (Luke 2:52).  To follow Him you must do the same.  My Motherly Blessing +.


22nd February 2006.  Instruction for young people on their vocations in life – seeking God’s Will.


Patricia.  A young person and her sister were seeking to discern their vocation in life but both needed to deepen the study of their faith.  Speaking to the young person Our Lord said:


Jesus.  The right road to take is to seek God first and all the rest will be given to you’.(Mt 6:33)  Study this message.


Jesus.  Have you followed My advice in the Gospel to seek first the Kingdom of heaven?  Your study of the faith is vital for your safety no matter the vocational field you choose.  It can be compared to a compass that guides you through the fog.  The fog in this case is the heresy and false doctrines that claim many innocent victims.  Many of the victims of those who lose their way in the world are not innocent but wilful and they seek pleasure and their own will above the Will of God.  Free wilfulness is very dangerous to body and soul!  The ‘freedom of the sons and daughters of God’ is the freedom of the truth well lived.  The matter of a vocation in life, whatever that vocation may be, is a matter of following the Truth that comes from God and is taught by the Church and ‘seeking God first so all the rest may be added to you.’


Patricia.  Lord, I think these young people want you to tell them if they should marry and if so to help them choose a marriage partner or give them the grace to be single in the world or to follow a religious vocation.


Jesus.  Tell them!  The will is free.  These two young women have been blessed with intelligence and need to discern their path according to the Will of God as found in the Scriptures and the teachings of the Church ( here they are shown what to do).  If I told people what to do rather than leave them free to love God and their neighbour and live by the truth in every vocation, resentment would be all I would receive (as million of parents know).  The study of the faith is vital in all vocations for sound discernment.


Patricia.  Lord, many young people are afraid of being alone with no one to love them or to love.


Jesus.  I LOVE THEM with a perfect love and continue to love them even when they break My laws and My law of love.  So often they choose a lesser love that cannot satisfy them if the one they love is not following the laws of God or inquiring into the origin of their own existence and the existence of God.  Great discernment is needed and great good sense in the choice of a marriage partner.  Many single people grieve all their lifelong for a partner of their imagination and waste their lives waiting instead of getting on with their lives, loving God and their neighbour.  The loving person is lovable to all.  Not all will marry and many who forced the issue live to regret it. 


In all situations redemption is at hand.  The young person who says, “I want God’s Will” but is not prepared to follow it wherever it may lead at home or abroad puts limits on My Will and My Love. The young person who says they want God’s Will but wilfully break it is not telling the truth.


Patricia.  Everyone is so weak, Lord.


Jesus.  Hence, the need for the Catholic Sacraments and the map of the right road to heaven; the Scriptures, the Gospels and the teachings of the Catholic Church.  You all have a safety net.


Parents often say, you must marry, you must avoid this person or that person, you must follow this vocation.  Many a young person reacts, not by considering the Will of God and the truth but by saying, “I will not”.  If your God tells you “do this” or “do that” as in the Scriptures, the Gospel and the teaching of the Church, you have the truth set before you but the will is free and the invitation open.


X, don’t give up on this course (theology), you need it!  Y, are you studying your faith?  Lifelong study is necessary for all.  If men and women with families and children and elderly students can do these studies you with your young agile minds are perfectly capable of continued study of the truth that comes from God!  You fear many things, ‘LOVE cast out fear’.  I can take care of you in all situations. 


Patricia.  One of the young people is a teacher, Our Lord instructed:


Y, you question if you should be a teacher.  All teachers should teach the fullness of the truth in their own field and live it in their lives.  Holy teachers are needed in every field – are you such a teacher? 


All vocations have their hardships and the grass is not necessarily greener elsewhere.  Pray that God’s Will is done in you and in your vocation and that your will is lead in the right direction.  Young people need to use their reason and the test of the faith to discern their vocation, and their marriage partner.  You will not change a person who does not want to change or grow in the faith.  An outward show of a man or woman in order to catch the object of their desire will not last in the trials and tribulations of life and marriage.  Do not look for false gold, look for the genuine gold of truth, integrity, good will, and a desire to strive for holiness.


Look carefully at a prospective marriage partner, will they make a good father or mother, a holy companion and be faithful ‘in sickness and in health, for better or for worse, until death do you part’.  Have you or they studied the teachings of the Scriptures or the Church regarding marriage and the procreation of children, the family and the Catholic Christian community?  Where there is resistance and a lack of good will and a desire for the truth, will this change on the other side of the marriage ceremony?  Use your head as well as your heart!