The Family of Divine Innocence

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11.   England:  Country chosen for this grace to the world.




England has been chosen by God for this grace to the world. England was once a very Catholic country but in the circumstances of her history she turned away from Rome.  With this grace Our Lord is calling her back to the truth and to full union with the Catholic Church. Our Lord has requested that the first Church of the Triumphant Crucified Innocence be built in England as a focal point for this grace.  Once this is established then other centres will grow out from the central foundation, source of the grace.  He has also called the priests and the bishops to respond to this message and to help bring about His requests for the good of the people.  England has been very blessed in this message, the Virgin Mother of God and the Martyrs of this country have helped to bring this grace here in our time.



23rd July 1985.  Mass. Our Lady Immaculate Church, Tolworth.


Our Lady.  O England!  Come back into the arms of your Mother!  Let me, the Immaculate Mother of God, heal the wounds of disunity and disobedience.


Patricia.  I felt the great sorrow and grief in Our Blessed Lady’s Heart to see England, once her Dowry, so divided in the Faith.  Our Lady looked upon those at Mass with such love and compassion, and sorrow in her Heart that I found tears coming to my own eyes for the sadness that she felt.  Poor, poor Mother!  Forgive us – poor victims of history.  Our Lady spoke:


Our Lady.  Bring my children to my Hidden Wounds and the Sacred Wounds of my Son.  Place them deep in our Eucharistic Hearts where no harm can come to them.



30th August 1985.


Patricia.  Why do you cry again, Mother?  (Our Lady’s tears fell onto a living rose she was holding)


Our Lady.  This rose represents England.  I, your Mother, bathe you in my tears.  Oh England, why have you abandoned your Mother?  Come again into the fold of the Church.  What tears I have shed over you!


Oh what joy it is to my Mother’s Heart to hear the Rosary rising up from these shores.  Let me gather you into my arms.  Come in procession in honour of your Mother.  Teach again these ancient devotions to your children.  Be my children.  I will lead you to the fount of all life – the Life of the world – My Son in the Blessed Sacrament.


Patricia.  The wounds of Our Blessed Lady are bleeding.  She has the wounded Christ Child in her arms.  Our Lady rocks her wounded Child in an agony of sorrow.  She said:


Our Lady.    The Word was made flesh and see how you treat Him.  How can you treat such love so?  Oh My Child – My Innocent Child, have pity on poor sinners who have wounded you so.  See how many of my tears are wasted on this country!


Patricia.  Our Lady’s tears were falling off the rose.  Some stayed on it and helped England but some were lost.  The tears of Our Lady keep the rose fresh and alive.  Without Our lady’s tears this rose – this country – will fade and die.


Patricia.  Oh my Mother!  Thank you for these tears, these life-giving tears!


Our Lady.   Oh how I need your penance!


Patricia.  Our Lady is shown supporting the rose, she said:


Our Lady.   This Pope is my special son.  Increase the number who say these chaplets.



25th October 1985.  Mass. Feast of the English Martyrs.


Our Lady.    Through the supplications of these Martyrs of England, I am giving a great grace to England – a great miracle – through these great Martyrs and so many hidden Martyrs of this Land that your Mother has not forgotten.


Patricia.   After Mass Our Lady said that she wished the Angelus bell to ring out over this Country again.  She said:


Our Lady.   Let the Angelus bell in each church call the people to prayer, then the conversion of England will be complete.  Let every church in this Country ring this bell of unity!  Where the devotion has died, revive it!  Where it is unknown, teach it!  Come to your Mother in prayer and love – my arms are opened to you.  Ring the Angelus bell in every country, to encourage the people where there is oppression, to remind people who are indifferent, to call to deeper love those who accept the devotion of the ‘Angelus’ wherever you are, and to pray for world peace.  At 3.00 pm let the bell ring in honour of the Passion and Death of the Son of God!



3rd July 1987.  Landing back in England after Pilgrimage to Lourdes.


Patricia.   I saw Our Lady with Angels.


Our Lady.   England, my Dowry, how this little title protects you, and what a grace it has brought you - God's acknowledgement of your great martyrs and saints, and still  more to come in this new age of Divine Innocence! O England, how I love you!


England, rise to this great grace. Come, step out of the wounds of your history into the new age of Divine Innocence!  Enjoy to the full the healing, life-giving Sacraments.  If you answer this call of Heaven to return to the arms of the Church of Peter, you and your children will enjoy such love and mercy!  The whole world will wonder at the beauty of your faith.  Your example will set the world on fire in a new age of faith and obedience. In you, England, has been born the Message of Triumphant Crucified Innocence.  Apostles of this Message, spread it with courage and vigour!


Patricia.  Our Lady is with many Angels, and the Child Jesus goes before her in the sky.  She

wears the robes of Our Lady of the Mystical Wounds.


Jesus.  (Said in a tender, gentle way)  Human years, what are they in the vast ocean of eternity?



28th October 1992.


Patricia.  I don't want to wait for the Conversion of England, Lord, I wish it were right now!  Nothing is impossible to God!


Jesus.  We must wait on free will.  Love can only be a free gift - not demanded in payment for favours, or extracted by fear. True Love is unconditional and it is this freely-given unconditional love I desire from each soul, for it is this Love that I give.


Spring 1993.


Our Lady.  I come today to remind you, my children, that I call for the conversion of England.  There are so many in this land who do not know the treasures of the ancient faith that has been stolen from them by the events of history. There shall be one flock and one Shepherd.


I am the Mother of the Hidden and Mystical Wounds!  It grieves my Heart that so many of my children are starved of the Sacraments and the Doctrine of the Holy Catholic Church!


Our Lady.  Let processions come here (where the Message of Divine Innocence has been given in Surbiton, England) - the place chosen in England to reveal to the world the beauties of the messages of Divine and childlike innocence!


Regain your innocence, my children!  Live in holy innocence, for great tribulation is to come upon the world!  I beg of you: come to the Real Presence of my Divine Son in the Blessed

Sacrament, for it is here that your healing takes place – healing of the sins of division and disobedience. Come! make your hearts Eucharistic in their Love of your Eucharistic King!


My Motherly Blessing +.



4th April 1994.  Easter Monday.  Nazareth House.


Jesus.    I call the Holy Father to come here on pilgrimage to England and to establish the First Church of the Triumphant Crucified Innocence in England.   I call the Holy Father here to establish the Novitiate of the Holy Family, the world wide order of the original Christian Order, to be established in the members of the Church.  My son, I call you personally from My Heart!


Patricia.  Our Lord's Heart is being shown, resplendent and beautiful, the Heart of Jesus is calling the Holy Father, Our Lord has touched his heart and He has extended His hand towards the Holy Father. Our Lord showed that the Novitiate of the original Holy Family and People of God is the whole life of Christ:  His Coming into the world, His Birth, His Life, the founding of the Church, His Passion and Death, His Resurrection and continued Mission to the people of God until this original Christian Order is founded in the whole of mankind in all its perfection.  Speaking to the Holy Father, Our Lord said:


Jesus.    Come, my son, to England to establish the shrine dedicated to the original Christian Order.  Come to the source of the grace of the Novitiate of the One Holy Family of the people of God.  Give your blessing to the teaching of the Novitiate born in Bethlehem, the Throne of Bethlehem (humility).  I call the people to come to Bethlehem where I was born in poverty and humility.  I ask you, my son, and all priests and bishops, to come to the Throne of the Manger in Bethlehem.  Do not look at the rough straw or at the instrument I have chosen to reveal this grace, look at the grace and the fruits of the grace.  Consider the fruits that will come about in the Church, in priests, in women, in men.  The Church will be Triumphant in Holy Innocence!


Bring the people of God, my son, to Bethlehem, to Nazareth, the original Christian Order of the Holy Family. Be their example by coming here to England to establish the centre dedicated to the Triumph of the Crucified Innocence in all families!  


Patricia.  Our Lord is showing he doesn't want millions of families looking towards the Holy Family as a model only, but millions of families inside the one Holy Family as a living reality, all humanity extending the Holy Family, a Holy People and the Family of God.  Our Lord said:


Jesus.    All people come from a family.  They must emerge from this original family by serving the Novitiate of the Holy Family, because it is from this original perfection of the New Garden of Eden, the Holy Family, that all must emerge, including you, my son.  Your example will lead all the people of God into the Novitiate from Bethlehem to Nazareth and their Christian mission in the world.  Here the people of God will grow in stature and wisdom before God and man, as I did under the care of the Blessed Mother and the protection of St Joseph.  It is here that I taught the Holy Couple, the first Novitiate, the Novitiate of the Holy Family, ‘A little child shall lead them’.  Here the true role of priests, men and women is shown, their Christlike and Christ-centred role.  I taught them this Novitiate, with the Father and the Holy Spirit, in the Trinitarian Unity of Peace and Love!



13th October 1994. Feast of St Edward the Confessor.  Nazareth House.


Our Lady.  Greetings, my child!


The great Catholic Saints of this country rejoice because Heaven has not left this country in the errors of the past. God, in His message of Mercy and Compassion, longs to reach out to all the people of this country and all the peoples of the world, to call them away from sin and death to live life more abundantly.


The Truth will prevail and England and other countries will be called to the true Faith.  It is the Truth that sets men free.  In every country there are martyrs to the truths of the Catholic Faith.


The devil, as I have pointed out to you before, wants to divide and rule the people of God. You see this everywhere and all the more so with Christian peoples; if he can he will divide the Christian people, little by little, setting them against each other, separating them and weakening or destroying completely their Unity in the One True Fold and One True Church.


The Blessed Trinity is the source of all Unity, Love and Peace, the beginning and the end of All Truth, All Unity, All Peace and All True Love.  True Unity cannot be found outside the Unity of the Most Blessed Trinity.


Do not be afraid to suffer insults, derision and persecution for the Truth that comes from God. It is the freedom that all people long for - the freedom of the sons of God.


Patricia.  The Infant King is here.


Infant Jesus.  I long to walk with all the children of God in peace, unity and freedom!  Be innocent and holy!  Live within the Holy Family and the Order founded in the beginning!*  My Blessing +.


* God’s divine order of things in the Holy Family and the Church, His plan of Salvation.



22nd August 1999(i).


Patricia.  Referring to the whole Message of Divine Innocence, this profound teaching given from Heaven Our Lord referred to the English hymn, Jerusalem :


R.                      And did those feet in ancient time

                          Walk upon England’s mountains green?

                          And was the Holy Lamb of God

                          On England’s pleasant pastures seen?

                          And did the countenance Divine             

                          shine forth upon our clouded hills?

                          And was Jerusalem builded here

                          Among those dark satanic mills?


                          Bring me my bow of burning gold!

                          Bring me my arrows of desire!

                          Bring me my spear!  O clouds, unfold!

                          Bring me my chariot of fire!

                          I will not cease from mental fight,

                          Nor shall my sword sleep in my hand,

                          till we have built Jerusalem

                          in England’s green and pleasant land.


Jesus.   I will make these words alive and active in ‘this green and pleasant land’ and I will extend that green and pleasant land world wide to every land.  My feet will walk in Holy and Divine Innocence across every country bringing the ‘New Jerusalem’!  Come, follow Me, the Holy Lamb of God!  Come and walk in My footsteps of Divine Innocence +.  Pleasant pastures of innocence and holiness will be seen among ‘dark satanic‘ areas all over the world!  The ‘chariot of the fire’ of the Holy Spirit is bringing this grace to the whole world!



21st June 2000.


Someone asked Patricia the question:  “What is this shrine area for?”  (Where Our Lord and Our Lady comes at Surbiton, Surrey.) Our Lord answered:


Jesus.   This is the shrine of Nazareth Universal lived!  It is the shrine of millions of aborted innocent children of all nations!  It is the birthplace of the Eucharistic University and the gift of the understanding of the Novitiate of the Holy Family.  From here special graces will flow out to the whole world!



2nd April 2004.


Our Lady.  I bless the people today and ask them to continue to come here to receive the great graces I have been given to dispense here (at the shrine area in Surbiton).  My Motherly Blessing +.


Patricia.  In a spiritual sense I am being shown countless people in this area, people that will come here to honour Christ’s Divine Innocence and to remember the crucified victims of sin triumphant in Christ’s Divine Innocence.  Our Lady again speaks to us:


Our Lady.  Spread this good news of Risen Innocence everywhere!  



7th April 1990. Our Lady Immaculate Church, Tolworth, Rosary.


Jesus.  I tell you most solemnly I will look kindly on all those who: Make the Way of Silence, (the Walk of Reparation); attend the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass; go to confession with true Contrition and have a firm purpose of amendment of life; say the Chaplets, the Prayer of the

Helpless; make the Way of Healing and Contrition; and light a candle for the helpless victims of the sins of abortion.  I will cleanse them of all sins against Holy Innocence and against

one another. They will be as spotless lambs in my sight.


Tell the people to come to the Walk of Reparation. Let the people come to this Hill (where the Pine tree is) in a Spirit of reparation.


Those who fulfil these requests and who make this Walk will regain their innocence and will carry to heaven a special mark, the cross of loving reparation. In this way they will be atoning for their many sins. They will receive My Benediction and will be lovingly received

into the Hearts of Jesus and Mary.


Honour your Heavenly Mother's Mystical Suffering and Wounds. Honour My Sacred Wounds.


Wear the Eucharistic Medal - when disaster strikes it is the blood on the doorpost for each one of you. (The Medal represents Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament - it is made to the size of the small host.) Carry the Little Cross of the Crucified Innocence. Learn the Way of

Childlike and Divine Innocence within the Novitiate of the Holy Family.


Be obedient to the Holy Catholic Church and to the Authority of My Vicar on earth, the Supreme Pontiff.


I wish to gather you all together into one people - the Children of God. Make the Walk not only here but in all places between two Catholic Churches.  Make the 14 Stations on the way to the Church in Silence. My Blessing +.


Patricia.  I was shown men holding large wooden crosses for each station. This was on the the First Friday, the Feast of the Holy Innocents and the Feast of the Archangels.  This was shown happening all over this country and also in other countries, in reparation for sins of abortion and all other sins. It was shown taking place between two Catholic Churches and also between Churches of other denominations. Others could partake to some extent, but the

fullness of the graces offered by Our Lord could only be obtained from within the Holy Catholic Church, its teaching and Sacraments.

10th June 1997.   Pine Tree.


Patricia.  Our Lady has come with angels and there are people with her. She holds the Christ Child in her arms. Our Lady was shown coming from a long way off and then coming closer to the Pine tree. She is now under the Pine tree. She speaks:


Our Lady.  The light of the Innocent Jesus be with you!


Patricia.  Light comes from the Body of the Infant King, who is dressed in a simple long white smock. Our Lady holds Him facing the people and light flows down upon the people below.


Infant King.  I give to you many graces which will continue in effect for a long time. I have chosen to dispense special graces from this chosen place.


Patricia.  Little King, Mother, the Council and the people here are against us, what can we do?


Our Lady.  Dialogue is needed. There is nothing to fear.


Patricia.  What about their houses, the peace of the Close? They feel they are threatened.


Our Lady.  Their houses will not win for them eternal life. They, in that case, put houses, lands and families before seeking first the Kingdom of God. ‘Seek first the Kingdom of Heaven and all the rest will be added to you’. By seeking first the Kingdom of Heaven they will discover a ‘peace that passeth all understanding’ and they will not see my visits and those of My Divine Son as a threat. Be at peace, all will be well!  Such benefits will come to families through this message. My Motherly Blessing +.


